Monday, August 30, 2021

Lea Kroll

Thank you to everyone who came out to play Volleyball on Saturday! SO much fun. It’d been a long time since I’ve played, but whenever I do, it’s always a reminder of 1) how much fun it is, and 2) to “regularly learn and play new sports”, which is a line from the excerpt from CrossFit’s “World Class Fitness in 100 Words” . And, per usual, I’d forgotten to take any pictures 😬 Regardless, tons of fun!

Workout of the Day

Back Squat

Starting light, build to a 2RM

For time:
60 Single Arm DB Thruster (30R / 30L)
50 DB Snatches (25R/25L)
40 Lunges w DB Overhead (20R/20L)**
30 Single Arm Devil Presses (15R/15L)

Masters: 35/20
Rx: 50/35

Alternating is not required for this workout. Just make sure each side completes an even amount of work.
**if you are lunging and your right arm is overhead, only step out with your right leg, then switch to left arm/left leg etc**

Rx+ 35s/20s (yes, two DBs), one arm overhead, one arm in the front rack for the lunges

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