Monday, June 29, 2020

Larry and Kevin

Hi friends!

Just an FYI, while the Nashville Metro face mask mandate doesn’t appear to impact us directly (they are not required if they interfere with heavy physical exertion), we will take some additional measures we had not taken previously.

You’ll notice we are marking off the floors so each athlete will have at least 10-12′ distance from other athletes. We will continue to keep the doors open and fans on to encourage air flow as well. We will also encourage frequent hand-washing, and wiping down equipment thoroughly before and after you touch it.

Thanks for your continued understanding as we navigate the changing situation!

Workout of the Day

Back Squat Clusters
Three rounds of: at 50-60%

Rest 30 seconds between clusters, 3 minutes between sets

In the “rest” portion, complete 20 Bulgarian split squats (10 each leg)

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
150m run
7 pull-ups
10 box jump overs

Rx+ 3/2 rmu (m: unbroken) clear the box 24/20

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