Team of “In WOD We Thrust” receives a Beast Effort award this week for their awesome participation. Not only have they shown great enthusiasm and support for other athletes, but for two weeks in a row, all of their team member scores have been posted to their team document. Also, in true Forte family fashion, Dean Mandaleris has been nominated by another team. “I nominate Dean for the beast effort award. No, he isn’t on my team…but I was thoroughly impressed with his effort for this week. He is also a captain so I highly doubt he would nominate himself. He really pushed himself to do RX in 15.4. His one rep max clean is 185 and he got 6 cleans in 15.4!!! When 99% of people in the gym did power cleans, Dean did full cleans on every rep because that’s the one way he knew he could get good reps!! It was amazing to watch him push and succeed during this workout. This is why I love the open so much and our gym community. I think he should be recognized for his Beast Effort!!”
Workout of the Day
A. Deadlift Max 60% x 5 70% x 3 80% x 2 85% x 2 90% x 1 95% x 1 101-103% x 1 103%+ x 1
Or, if you don’t have a current one rep max, go by feel following this rep scheme 5-3-2-2-1-1-1 Increasing the load each set, establish a 1 rep max
B. AMRAP in 10 minutes of: 5 Deadlifts at 50% of 1 rep max 10 Pull-ups 15 Box Jumps (24 / 20)