Workout of the Day
Warm up
3-5 minutes of jump rope
Group mobility
EMOM for 10 minutes do 3 deadlifts at 70% of 1RM
3 Rounds for time of:
400 m run
12 Thrusters (115 / 75 lbs)
Stronger Faster Healthier Pure Whey is back in stock! Sourced from grass-fed cows, gluten, soy, hormone and antibiotic free! Why Stronger Faster Healthier Pure Whey?
Who would like to learn some advanced gymnastics movements??? We have the chance to rent out a gymnastics gym here in Nashville on Saturday, June 2nd from 4-6 PM (for all you party animals: it’s early enough that you can even go out after!). Amelia would be our coach and she will teach us all sorts of fun things like back flips (there will be big padded mats to learn things safely on). There will also be lots of rings, trampolines, and fun things things like that. The cost is $15 a head and we need at least 10 people. Talk to me, Katelyn or Amelia about it if you’re interested. There will be a sign up sheet in the gym.
Read this: Strong is the new skinny