Workout of the Day
Warm up
Run, row or jump rope
Group mobility
Front squat 5 x 5 (heavier than last week)
7 min AMRAP
7 Thrusters (75 / 45)
21 Double-unders
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.
Reminder: remember to sign in when you get to the gym. Also, when you put your scores on Zen Planner, make them public!
An old classic journal article by Greg Glassman, CrossFit CEO – A Beginners Guide to CrossFit
This Man Thinks He Never Has to Eat Again – Vice
UV, vitamin D and melanoma. Interesting stuff!
Calorie Counts: Fatally Flawed, Or Our Best Defense Against Pudge? – The Salt
Improving your jumping – Kstarr: