Monday, January 8, 2017

Lil Starnes

Workout of the Day

Front Squat
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets): 10 reps at 55-60%

Immediately after each set: 30 seconds of hand release push-ups

“The Thorn”
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
1 Minute of Alternating DB Snatches (pick weight)
1 Minute of Toes to Bar
1 Minute of Wall-Balls (20 / 14)

Complete a total of 4 rounds. Score will total reps.

Rx+ 70/50, 30/20, 180+ reps

Saturday, January 6, 2018


Workout of the Day

In teams of two, complete the following two times:
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Row for Calories
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Bike for Calories
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
Partner Wall-Balls (20 / 14)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
Kettlebell Swings or Hang Power Cleans (53/35, 115/75)
Rest 1 minute

Or, working solo, complete 1 round of the above. 

Friday, January 5, 2018


Workout of the Day

Gymnastics Pulling
Ring Rows
3 sets of 5 wide grip
3 sets of 5 shoulder width grip
3 sets of 5 narrow grip

On rep 5, hold for as long as possible, and descend as slowly as possible

“Revised Bergeron Beep Test”
Every minute, for as long as possible:
5 Thrusters (75 / 55)
5 Pull-ups
5 Burpees

Rx+ 7/7/7

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Workout of the Day

“Orange Cat”
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 rounds):
5 Squat Clean and Jerks (155 / 105)
In remaining time: calories on Airbike/Rower*

*Alternate between airbike and rower every round

Score will be total calories accumulated

Wednesday, January 3, 2017



Lost and Found Reminder: at the end of the week, the items in there are being donated to Goodwill. If you have misplaced or lost something, check the lost and found container. 

Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
15 minutes to build to a heavy single

For time:
20-15-10-5 Handstand Push-ups
5-10-15-20 Burpee Box Jump Overs – Facing (24 / 20)

Rx+ strict HSPU

Tuesday, January 1, 2017

Bearman, Chevy, and Acura

Workout of the Day

Back Squat
18 minutes to build to a heavy single

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
15 Goblet Squats (53 / 35)
20 Kettlebell Swings (53 / 35)
50 Double-unders

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year! 11:30 AM Class only today

Workout of the Day

“Sweat it out”

Every minute, for 28 minutes:
Min 1: 30 seconds of Air Bike (calories)
Min 2: 30 seconds of Wall-Balls (20 / 14)
Min 3: 30 seconds of Rowing (calories)
Min 4: 30 seconds of Burpees

Saturday, December 30, 2017

New Years Eve Schedule:
Saturday: Normal
Sunday: Normal
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Resume Normal Schedule

Workout of the Day

In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete the following for time:
100 Dumbbell Thrusters (pick weight)
100 Pull-ups (jumping chest to bar)
100 Lunges w Dumbbells Overhead (thruster weight)
100 Toes to Bar (hanging knee raises)
100 Dumbbell Power Cleans (thruster weight)

Friday, December 29, 2017



New Years Eve Schedule:
Saturday: Normal
Sunday: Normal
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Resume Normal Schedule

Workout of the Day

Every minute, for 12 minutes:
Min 1: 30 seconds of V-ups
Min 2: 30 seconds of Russian Twists
Min 3: 30 seconds of Hanging L-sit

Every 3:30, for 18 minutes (5 rounds):
12 Calories on Assault Bike (ladies: Airdyne)
10 Burpees to Target 6 inches Above Reach
12 Ball-Slams (pick weight)

Rx+ 15 calories, 5 sandbag over shoulder (150/100)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Double knot those laces!

Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
Complete 7 sets of 3 at 80%

Last done: 9/19/17
Five rounds for time of:
15 Box Jumps (24 / 20)
12 Toes to Bar
9 Shoulder to Overhead (115 / 75)

Rx+ 155/105