Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The American Kettlebell Swing – as “basic” a movement we consider this to be in CrossFit, it’s still a fairly technical movement that needs to be learned and practiced often. If you watch the video above, how closely do you resemble the guy swinging it? Are your shins perfectly vertical and your back locked into extension when you’ve properly hinged forward? Or are you flexing slightly at the knee and rounding your back to certain extent? Is the KB staying high between the thighs and directly under the hips? Or is it too low and putting you into a poor position to produce power? How about your position overhead? Do you look strong and controlled with extended arms and retracted shoulder blades? I could go on and on, but you get the point….and my point is ask a coach! And GET VIDEO!  You may truly ‘believe’ you’re doing something the way it should be done, but video lays it all bare and doesn’t lie. Video is one of the most helpful tools we have. Use it.  With “basic” movements like these, people often get complacent and lose sight of virtuosity, which in CF means “doing the common uncommonly well”. Fix your KB swing and you might like them better. I, too, will also like you better 😉

Workout of the Day

Bench Press
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
10 bench press (build in load)
30 russian twists w KB

Repeat from 12/2018
AMRAP in 15 min
kettlebell swings (53 / 35)
burpees to a target 6 inches above reach

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