Thursday, March 19, 2020

It is extremely important that you abide by the following:

If you or a family member or a roommate or a coworker have been exposed to the Corona Virus, you need to let us know ASAP, and then stay at home.

In fact, you should feel morally obligated to stay at home.

There are three circumstances in which I will close the gym:

1) Government Mandated

2) The cases in Nashville reach an exponential amount

3) A member who has been coming (or one of their household) contracts the virus

Thank you for following the new policies and procedures that allow us to keep the gym open in a responsible manner.

Workout of the Day

Four rounds, each for time of:
30/24 Calories on Rower
24 Wall-Balls
18 Pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes after each round

Rx+ 5 rounds, 30/20, chest to bar


20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 rep rounds of:
Jumping Lunges – Alternating Legs
Butterfly Sit-ups

-right into-

Box Step-ups (find something knee high or higher)
Russian Twists* (2 each side, then 4 each side, then 6 each side, etc)

*Find something that is heavy and small enough to hold do to the twists.

Feel free to hold that same object for the step ups

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