Workout of the Day
Warm up
Musical Medicine Balls
Complete the following for time:
30 Pull-Ups
400 m Run
15 OHS (95 / 65)
800 m Run
15 OHS (95 / 65)
400 m Run
30 Pull-Ups
Rx+ CTB, 135 / 95
ANNOUNCEMENT: for those of you doing the EmPower 5k run / walk on Saturday, November 8th at 8:30 AM, here is the promo code made specifically for CrossFit Forte: FIT_FORTE5 – enter it when you register online at “Checkout.” Sign up!!! The team sign up sheet will be in the gym tomorrow. Teams of 5 with at least one member of the opposite sex. The team with the overall shortest time wins things! Support a good cause, have some fun with your teammates and get a good workout in all at once!