Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Katelyn during the drive of the Split Jerk

Katelyn during the drive of the Split Jerk

Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press 5 x 5 at 67% of 1 rep max

After each set, complete 16-20 Dumbbell Walking Lunge Steps, then rest 60-90 seconds

2014 Winter Paleo Challenge Benchmark Workout

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
Wall-Balls (20/14)
Shoulder to Overhead (95 / 65)
Box Jumps (24 / 20)

Last done: February 24, 2014

Ab and Back Work:
5 x 30 Abmat Butterfly Sit-ups (do these quickly, but not as fast as possible. Rest as needed between sets)
3 x 10 Good Mornings (~ 95 / 65)

– Sunday, June 8th at 11 AM Amelia, our resident gymnast, has arranged to set up a training session for our members at the Nashville Gymnastics Training Center.  We’ve done this in the past with her and it was extremely helpful and fun.   We are getting the rate confirmed, but we expect it to be between $15-20.  Please RSVP through Wodify so we know how many people are coming.  The more the merrier!

– Don’t want to compete in our Partner Competition June 21?  You can still participate by volunteering to judge HERE.

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