Workout of the Day
Spend 20 minutes working on several different gymnastics movements. Ideally, you will choose movements that are a weakness – Muscle-ups, toes to bar, knees to elbows, pull-ups, handstand push-ups, handstand holds/walking, pistols, double-unders
An effective way to do this is to choose three exercises and do short skill sets. Here is an example:
Three sets, NOT for time, of:
8-10 Handstand Push-ups
10-12 Knees to elbows
30-50 Double-unders
*Come to class with a plan, and focus on getting the full range of motion and hitting all the points of performance.*
Scary Strong Games Event 4
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
5 Wall-Balls
5 Burpee jump to plate (use a 45 lb plate)
10 Wall-Balls
10 Burpee to plate
15 Wall-Balls
15 Burpee to plate
Overhead squat flexibility issues can be corrected, it just takes a little work. Renowned Olympic weightlifting coach Greg Everett discusses what stretches are most effective for fixing your overhead squat position. Flexibility for the Overhead Squat – Catalyst Athletics
Weightlifting Technique With Evidence – Catalyst Athletics