Workout of the Day
Alana and Ben’s going away workouts! If you see them be sure to say your goodbyes, because they are moving to some place called Kansas, where there is no Internet, everything is sepia toned, lots of tornados and tumbleweeds everywhere, and small purse dogs named “Toto”. You two will be missed!
For time:
30 Power Clean and Jerks (135 / 95)
Rx+ 225 / 155
At the 20 minute mark:
For time:
150 Wall-Balls (20 / 14)
Rx+ 30 / 20
–Here is the waiver to SOAR, which we will be going to as a gym on September 26th. Price is $35, which you will need to pay to Whitney. Check out more about SOAR HERE.
-Lurong Living Challenge begins in 2 weeks! SIGN UP HERE
-Takes Two to Tango at CrossFit Talon on September 19
-Registration for Battle of the Barbells begins at the end of the month. SIGN UP HERE
-The Music City Box League starts soon…watch for registration!