Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Amanda and Tony tied the knot. Congratulations!

Workout of the Day

Front Squat Cluster (week 2) at 65%
Rest 3 minutes at 70%
Rest 3 minutes at 75%

Rest 30 seconds between cluster sets

B. (repeat)
Against a 10 Minute Clock:
AMRAP in 2:30 of Walking Lunges w DB Overhead (50 / 35)
-right into-
AMRAP in 2:30 of Alt DB Snatches
-right into-
AMRAP in 2:30 of Alt Box Step-ups w DB (24 / 20)
-right into-
AMRAP in 2:30 of Assault Bike Calories

Masters: 35/20, 20/16in


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