Workout of the Day
In teams of two, with both partners working, complete:
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
Min 1) Ski for Calories
Min 2) Alt DB Snatches
Rest 6 minutes, then:
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
Min 1) Row for Calories
Min 2) Alt Hang DB Clean & Jerks
Partner A will Ski for a minuteĀ while Partner B does DB Snatches for a minute, then Partner A will do Snatches and Partner B will Ski.
Continue the same pattern until both partners have been on the Ski-erg for 6 minutes, and both partners have Snatched for 6 minutes.
Repeat that format for Part B.
Two scores: 1) combined Ski calories and DB snatches and 2) combined Row calories and DB Clean & Jerks