THE DRAFT HAPPENS TOMORROW – so sign up now! We need everyone on the Roster by tomorrow night!
By signing up for the Open, our members will automatically be signed up for an intramural competition. If you do not want to be on a team, please reach out to Evan to let him know. By creating the intramural competition within our gym, we can make the Open less about where you rank in the world and make it more about contributing to your team. We hope you take this opportunity to stretch yourself as an athlete and as a community member!
Team Draft
2 captains will meet for a closed draft on Thursday, February 16th. They will be choosing from the list of athletes who are signed up for the CrossFit Open and have chosen CrossFit Forte as their gym. Members who are not signed up before 5:30 PM on the 16th will be assigned to teams by Master of the Games (Evan).
Team scores will have two components to it each week.
-Teams are given 1 point for every athlete who submits their workout score to the Games site
-Teams are given 1 extra point for every athlete who finishes top Rx, Scaled, and Masters men/ women (6 points total to be awarded).
Overall team placement will be determined by the sum of points awarded to the team. The winning team will be the one with the highest overall score at the conclusion of the Open.
Due to the unpredictability of the Open workouts, we reserve the right to adjust scoring components as needed. In these cases, captains will be consulted to assure we are as fair as possible.
Completing the Workout
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS- Join us Friday, March 3rd starting at 5:30 PM to complete your last Open workout Friday Night Lights style! After the WOD is complete, we can jump over to New Heights for a little Happy Hour!
OTHER WEEKS PLEASE try to complete your workout Saturday or during Open Gym. If you are unable to complete the WOD during these times, your ability to complete it during a regular class is subject to space and judge availability. Do not consider it a given that there will be space or equipment available.
Saturday morning will be set up with heat times (after the workout is announced). Please RSVP for the heat in which you would like to participate.
Please consider hanging around to assist with judging before or after you complete your workout. It is always needed and appreciated!
For those of you on 3/ week memberships, you can complete the workout on Saturday and it will not be counted towards your membership limits; Sunday attendance will count.
You are responsible for submitting your score onto the CrossFit Games site before the Monday cut off. This is what gets your team participation points!
TBD. In the past, we threw a Paella Party at the Beaches abode. I’ll ask some of you for ideas.
Check the roster to see who you will be competing against and with
Workout of the Day
Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 rounds):
90 seconds of Double-unders
90 seconds of DB Hang snatches
90 seconds of Toes to Bar
90 seconds of Assault Bike
Score is total reps
Rx+ 2 minutes on each, starting every 10 minutes