Workout of the Day
Because this is a longer workout with a decent amount of set up, we are going to have to get started very quickly, so the warm up will be abbreviated. If you can, please come a few minutes early to do any specific stretching/warm up drills that’ll get you ready for todays workout. And as always, please be sure to consult your Coach with any modification questions.
“12 Days of Forte”
1 Thruster (115 / 75) [155 / 105]
2 Handstand Push-Ups [strict]
3 Box Jumps (24 / 20) [30 / 24]
4 Burpees
5 Pull-ups [ctb]
6 Hang Power Cleans (115 / 75) [155 / 105]
7 Deadlifts (115 / 75) [155 / 105]
8 Wall-Balls (20 / 14) [30 / 20]
9 Kettlebell Swings (53 / 35) [70/ 53]
10 Alt Front Rack Lunges (115/ 75) [155 / 105]
11 Toes to Bar
12 Power Snatches (115 / 75) [squat snatches 155 / 105]
This’ll be a fun one, but be sure to scale appropriately, as it will get pretty gnarly…
This is how it’ll go, just like the 12 Days of Christmas Song:
1 Thruster
2 Handstand Push-ups + 1 Thruster
3 Box Jumps + 2 HSPU + 1 Thruster
4 Burpees + 3 Box Jumps + 2 HSPU + 1 Thruster
5 Pull-ups + 4 Burpees + 3 Box Jumps + 2 HSPU + 1 Thruster
etc…until all 12 movements/rounds have been completed.
You will always end on the Thruster!
Maybe the coaches will be kind enough to put that song on repeat as you push through it.
Have fun with it and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays