Saturday, December 17, 2022

Workout of the Day

In teams of two, with only one person working at once, complete the following for time:
Run Around the Block
10 rounds of:
10 DB Thrusters
10 Burpee DB Deadlifts
10 Over-the-Box Jumps*
Run Around the Block

Both partners will do the runs together. Partner A will do 10 thrusters, Partner B will do 10 Burpees, Partner A will do 10 Box Jumps, Partner B will do 10 Thrusters, Partner A will do 10 Burpees etc, until all 10 rounds have been completed.

*24/20 inches. If you are nervous, hesitant or *clumsy*, probably do the PVC pipe set up. Or normal box jumps.

Rx+ 50s/35s, 30/24 inch box

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