Friday, December 9, 2022

Sisco (before he had a 12 pound weight vest surgically attached to his torso)

We will be doing the workout FIGHT GONE BAD this Saturday.
We will have three heat times (9:30, 10:00, 10:30) with 15 slots per heat (please be sure to RSVP)
If you have a 3 day/week membership, and have used up your days, fear not. Since I want everyone to experience the ‘joy’ that FGB brings about, you will still be able to RSVP.
We will have scorecards and judges to count reps, so if you could come/stay a little early/late to help facilitate peoples need for judges, that would be hugely helpful. Why judges? Because it is such a fast paced workout, keeping an accurate tally of your reps is difficult without a judge.
Looking forward to this Saturday! Party later that night – Monday Night Brewing at 6:00p

Workout of the Day

Clean & Jerk
Every minute, for 15 minutes:
1 squat clean + 1 jerk

For time:
1500m Row
30 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (125 / 90)

Masters: 95/65
Rx+ 145 / 100, +15/10 bar muscle ups

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