Friday, May 27, 2022

Had a little get together the other day with a bunch of 6AMers for our boy Todd Stout who is heading back to Denver in a few days 😥. A bunch of CFFs finest moving back to where they came from lately… rough month for Forte

 We will be doing Murph on Monday at 8 AM. I’d love for as many of you as possible to do it with us at that specific time, especially if you’ve been making it to Monday’s Murph Prep. You are ready.
I know several of you have been training for Murph with a vest from the gym, which is great, but the reality is, I cannot guarantee you a vest come Monday. We only have a few. If you really want to use a vest, you can buy an inexpensive one on Amazon and probably have it delivered by Saturday. Either way, vest or no vest, Murph is a monster of a workout. 

Looking for a big showing! If you can come, come! I know Sunday night is a big party night, and Murph is the perfect hangover cure! 
When we did Murph in 2018, the CF Games Regionals were in town, and we accommodated 75 people in one class. Probably 50% were CFF members, 50% were drop-ins. It was absolutely crazy, but so much fun and everyone worked with each other in terms of space and pull-up bars, and got the workout done safely. 

Workout of the Day

Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Every minute, for 15 minutes:
1 PC + 1 FS + 1 J

Start around 50-60%, end around 85-90%

Or, keep it lighter and work technique

B. (repeat)
For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of
Hang Squat Cleans (135 / 95)
Handstand Push-ups

Masters: 105/70, push presses or hand release push-ups
Rx+ 185/125, strict

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