Wednesday, May 4, 2022

MACRO MAY! Read, then decide if you want to commit to looking, feeling, and performing at your best!

Too often, AT LEAST once a week, I have a conversation that often sounds identical to this:

Them: “hey coach, I want to lose some fat. I mean, I eat really well, and I’m not eating too much, I don’t drink too often…”
Me: “Love to hear it. Tell me how many calories you are eating a day? And what is your protein intake like?”
Them: “Calories? I don’t know. Protein? I have no idea”
Me: 😑

There are more people who know 100x more about every sport imaginable, their cars, their clothes, their video games, their make-up, their phones, etc etc, than they know about the food they put into their body. It’s sad and frightening all in one. It’s no wonder 72% of American adults aged 20 and over are OVERWEIGHT!

In order to lose fat, you NEED to consume fewer calories than you currently consume, which means you NEED to know how many calories you’ve been eating. You should also know the ratio of protein/carbs/fat that you eat, too. The problem is: if you don’t track and weigh, you really have NO IDEA. If you have no idea how many calories you eat, how are you going to eat less?

When someone counts their Macros,  AKA Macronutrients, they are counting their protein, fat, and carbs. When you know you the number of Macros you are eating, you automatically know the number of calories you are eating. (important note: alcohol is technically its own VERY CALORIE DENSE macro, too…so if you want to lose fat, just stop drinking, or DRAMATICALLY limit your alcohol. It wreaks havoc on more than your waistline.)

Macro Diets are extremely popular because of how successful and fool proof they are. It turns something that can awfully confusing, into a simple game of numbers. Fat loss, or weight gain, really is just a game of numbers.

The exact same principle applies to gaining weight too. You need to know what your baseline caloric consumption is, and ideally, if lean mass gain is the goal, how many carbs, protein, and fat you eat.

With that said, Katelyn and I are offering to calculate a Macro Prescription Plan for anyone who wants it. HOWEVER, before you request to have your macros written for you, you need to show proof that you currently have, or will be purchasing, these TWO IMPORTANT things:

  1. The App MyFitnessPal, or and app similar.  This is so you can keep track of your macros/calories. Without the convenience of a nutrition app, this would be hard to do. I have only used MFP, and it is great and simplifies so much. Highly recommended you go with the Premium option too. There are others too, but MFP is by far the most used.
  2. A good digital food scale. I recommend getting a BIG ONE, one that you can fit a large plate on and still see the numbers.
  3. Optional, but hopefully you already have one: a bodyweight scale to track your progress.

You need to text photos/screenshots of your scales and apps before we consider writing you your macro plan. 414-614-6452

Yes, this’ll take some work on your end. You should want it too. Nothing worth having should come easy, right? There is gonna be a learning curve on your end, especially if you’ve never done anything like this. But once you get the hang of things, IT IS A BREEZE.

If you decide to start on this journey, you are going to learn many life changing things about nutrition. I don’t say that jokingly, either. Getting your diet down and figuring out what works for you will have a positive impact on all areas of your life. FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. As the saying goes “suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret”.

We follow the tried and true methods of WAG (Working Against Gravity), which is why are also affiliate of theirs, because of how wildly successful it is.

If you want us to write out a prescription for you free of charge, click this link, select COMPLIMENTARY MACRO MAY, and fill out the rest of the form.

PS – we’ve had an influx of requests in the last two days, so please be patient. We should be able to get your numbers to you in the next day or two. 

Workout of the Day

Split Jerks

B. (repeat)
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
10 Strict Presses
30 Double-unders

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