Monday, May 11, 2020

Hello Errbody!

It’s been a very tough weekend. On Friday, just five days after I took the risk of re-opening, I was visited by the Health Department telling us they were responding to a complaint they received about us running classes. They didn’t have any evidence their complaint was true, but they rudely issued me a warning anyway and told me they’d be back to write me citations if they get another complaint. 

I truly thought we were going to “get away with it” because what were we getting away with?  Here I am, supposedly “breaking the law” for making people healthy and teaching group fitness. Is this real life? 10 minutes on 65 South it appears to be the real world.  This does not. 

If I’m being honest, I do not know what this will mean for my gym. 

I might open anyways, clearly risking but expecting the inevitable citation from the Health Department. 

I might loan out equipment again. 

I might set days and times to meet at parks to workout. 

As soon as we figure out what we will do, I will be sure to email ya’ll. 

Thanks for your support throughout this,

Leg Day
Five sets of:
20 Bulgarian Split Squats (10 right, then 10 left)
20 Box Step-ups (10 right, then 10 left – use an object knee height or higher)

Rest 60-90 seconds after each set

If you’d like it to be more challenging, add an external load (back pack, dumbbell, kettlebell, etc),
but that external load is definitely not needed.

10 rounds of:
200m run
20 sit-ups
20 air squats

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