Workout of the Day
Push Press
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets): 1 PP w pause + 1 PP at 80%
Pause 3 seconds in the dip and 3 overhead w full scapular retraction and elevation
After each set: 8-10 V-ups
Last done: 11/24/14
Complete the following for time:
21-15-9-6-3 reps rounds of:
Rx+ 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
CTB Pull-ups
Burpees to Target 6″ above reach
Please read through the notes below to stay apprised of all the news and opportunities happening at Forte.
Attention anyone with a closet: Those shoes you no longer want are desperately needed to fight the human tragedy of global poverty. This holiday season, Forte will be collecting unwanted shoes for Soles4Souls, an international anti-poverty organization that monetizes used shoes and clothing to create sustainable jobs and fund direct relief efforts, including distribution of new shoes and clothing. Find out more about the organization here. Bring your unwanted shoes to Forte between November 21- December 13th. If you’d like to help offset the cost of shipping, they also welcome a $2 donation per pair (though this is not required).
After November 19th, we will discontinue the 5 AM class as we have not had the attendance to support it. Please also note we will be closed all day on Thanksgiving, November 26th.
Check-in for Charity Update
In October, CrossFit Forte had a total of 231 Facebook check ins. These check ins provided 46 women with breast and ovarian cancer risk assessments! Keep up your check ins! Every November check in helps provide a meal to Burmese refugees.
Christmas Charity Formal
To collect donations for Toys for Tots and to celebrate the holidays with our Forte community, we will be hosting a party at the gym Saturday, December 12th. Fellas, wear your suits and tuxes; ladies, get dolled up! Additional details will be shared as the date approaches.
New Athlete Welcome
Marchele, Liz, Jordan, Tom, and Jesse are all new members finishing up their 101 classes. Please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome as they get into the swing of classes!
Contact Information Reminder
If you’ve moved in the last year, please take a moment to update your mailing address on your Wodify account.
Please reach out with questions or concerns on any of this. Thanks!