Workout of the Day
1-2 Attempts at a max set of unbroken Wall-Balls (20 / 14)
Rx+ 30 / 20
Rest as needed between sets
1-2 Attempts at a max set of Pull-ups or ring rows
Rx+ chest to bar
Rest as needed between sets
*You will have a judge for each of these to count your reps and range of motion*
Every minute, for 21 minutes:
Min 1: 12/9 Calories on Rower
Min 2: 12 Kettlebell Swings (53 / 35)
Min 3: 12 Toes to Bar
Rx+ 24 minutes, 15 reps across (ladies: 12 cals), 70 / 53
ICYMI: There was an article last week suggesting bacon and other processed meats are as bad as smoking and asbestos, they are now backing off their claims due to lack of evidence.
Have you signed up for the Stache Bash Workout yet? Here’s the workout:
In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete the following:
100 Wall-Balls – Rx+: 30 lb/ 20 lb, Rx: 20 lb/ 14 lb, Scaled: 14 lb/ 10 lb
80 Box Jumps – All divisions: 24 inch/ 20 inch, Scaled: optional step-ups
60 Pull-ups – Rx+: chest to bar, Rx and scaled: Pull-ups
40 Burpees Over the Bar
20 Power Clean and Jerks – Rx+: 185 lb / 115 lb, Rx: 135 lb/ 95 lb, Scaled: 95 lb / 65 lb
10 Muscle-ups – Rx+: Ring Muscle-ups, Rx: Bar Muscle-ups
5 – 15 ft Rope Climbs – Rx+ only