Monday, October 5, 2015


Workout of the Day

Front Squat MAX!
50% x 5
60% x 4
70% x 3
80% x 2
85% x 1
90% x 1
95% x 1
101-103% x 1
103+% x 1

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
6 Front Squats at 50% of 1 RM
14 Kettlebell Swings (53 / 35)

*At the start of every minute: 4 burpees over the bar*

READING: All the unhealthy things looking at a smartphone before bed does to your brain and body


  • Here is the link for the anonymous survey which closes October 10thhttps://surveymonkey.
  • October is Member Appreciation Month!  Check out our plans on our site here:  Be sure to check the site each week to see all the events and opportunities.
  • Forte’s social event this month is the Harvest Hands 5k on October 31st at 8:30 AM. Sign up HERE to run with your friends and support a great cause.  
  • Double Under Seminar: October 25th 9:30-11:30 AM with JumpNRope is just $45 and has limited slots. Sign up HERE 
  • Lastly, Music City Box league, an intermural weekly CrossFit competition in Nashville, starts Oct 22nd.  If you are new to MCBL, visit for more detailed information on divisions, team size, and league rules.  If you would like to participate, please register your teams by visiting  THIS LINK. The deadline for team registration is October 9th.  If you are interested and need help putting together a team, please reach out to Evan, Katelyn, or one of the other coaches.  


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