Friday, February 6, 2015

We're a month late, but this board is now erased and ready for new goals. Please write your goals as a reminder to always work toward them!

We’re a month late, but this board is now erased and ready for new goals. Please write your goals as a reminder to always work toward achieving them!

Workout of the Day

Two to three rounds, not for time, of:
5-10 Tire Flips (flip with another person or two if needed)
1-3 Sled Pulls (pick weight)
1-3 Prowler Pushes (pick weight)

For the sled and prowler, make the load heavy enough that it becomes a 10-20 second effort.

For time:
10-8-6-4-2 rep rounds of:
Thrusters (115 / 75)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Buy out: 100 Double-unders (200 speed steps or SU)

Rx+ Thrusters (135 / 95), 5-4-3-2-1 Muscle-ups

4 Signs You’ve Picked the Wrong Physical Therapist | Athletes Potential

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