Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press 3 x 60%, 2 x 70%, 2 x 80%, 1 x 90%, 1 x 95%, 1 x 100%, 1 x 103-105+%
Rest 2 minute between sets
No 1 rep max for the shoulder press? Follow this rep scheme and increase the load each set: 3-2-2-1-1-1-1
For time:
18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
Push Presses (105 / 70) [no jerks!]
Box Jumps (24 / 20)
Rx+: 145 / 100, 30 / 24
-Only a couple more days to sign up! STACHE BASH WORKOUT ON NOVEMBER 22. Teams of two, scaled, Rx, and Rx+ divisions. SAVE THE DATE!