Workout of the Day
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, perform 1 Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Build by feel over the course of the 10 sets
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
50 Double-unders (100 speed steps)
25 Box Jumps (24 / 20)
15 Handstand Push-ups (L-seated DB Presses)
Rx+ Strict HSPU
1) Member appreciation month! Don’t forget to send your nominees for athlete of the week to [email protected] and come to class to be entered in for our weekly drawings!
2) Halloween/ two year anniversary party on Friday, October 31. More info here.
3) CrossFit 101 class October 13th. Spread the word to your CrossFit-curious friends and family.
4) Harvest Hands 5K sign up here: