Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press 5 x 60%, 3 x 70%, 2 x 80%, 2 x 90%, 1 x 95%, 1 x 100%, 1 x 103-105%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Whitney’s Birthday Workout
AMRAP in 14 minutes of:
5 Kettlebell Overhead Squat (53 / 35) 5 R, 5 L
13 Pull-ups
28 Feet of Burpee Broad Jumps
For scoring purposes, every 10 feet will be considered 1 rep (21 reps = 1 round)
Rx+ 2 x 53 / 2 x 35 (10 reps), chest to bar
I know some of you out there will find this interesting, so check it out: Where did you really stack up in the 2014 CrossFit Open Workouts?
1) The gym is closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday because there are about 30-40 of us (including all the coaches) taking a Forte Family Road Trip to the CrossFit Games Regionals in Cincinnati, OH.
2) Be sure to sign up for the CrossFit Forte Members Only Partner Competition