Workout of the Day
Push Press 2-2-2-2-2
Increasing the weight each set, establish a 2 rep max Push Press
Complete the following for time:
Run around the block
30 Toes to Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead (105 / 70)
30 Toes to Bar
Run Around the Block
Rx+ 135 / 95, 20 lb vest
Open Athletes:
If you’re doing 14.2 Saturday morning, it may be wise to take it easy today, so the following is an option:
Active recovery Day
Row or Airdyne for 10-15 minutes
Keep the pace around 65-75% effort – enough to get out of breath and get the heart pumping moderately fast. You should feel energized and revived after this, not drained.
Pick 3-4 drills from Becoming a Supple Leopard or Kelly Starrett’s YouTube page and spend 10-15 minutes working on your posterior chain mobility.