Warm up
Jump Rope
2-4 minutes of jump rope / double-under work
Clean + Hang Clean Complex
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes, perform a clean from the floor and a mid hang position @ 70-80% of your 1 rep max
For Time:
30 Kettlebell Snatches – 15 R, 15 L (53 / 35)
30 Wall-Balls (20 / 14)
400 Meter Run
20 Kettlebell Snatches – 10 R, 10 L
20 Wall-Balls
300 Meter Run
10 Kettlebell Snatches – 5 R, 5 L
10 Wall-Balls
200 Meter Run
*Kettlebell snatches may be broken up however
**Rx+ 70/53, 12 ft / 10 ft targets
I hope everyone had a fun New Year’s Eve! We have a few announcements and reminders for you:
1) We are holding our next set of CrossFit 101 classes starting Monday, at 6:30 PM. Tell your friends and family and get them in here!
2) We now have a 3:30 PM class Monday-Friday.
3) The Attitude Nation Level 1 Weightlifting Seminar with Jon and Jessica North is on January 18, be sure to sign up ASAP.
4) The Box League starts January 16.
5) The JumpNRope double under seminar is February 9th.
6) The CF Games Open is starting in less than two months. Registration begins 1/15/14.
6) We are starting monthly challenges. This is supplemental work, and is in no way required, but for those of you who want to add a little more work to your current training, this will be fun and effective in terms of improving your metabolic conditioning, building strength and helping with skill work.
Hat tip to Derek Robinson over at Project Nomad for the inspiration
January Challenge: Burpees! The goal is to accumulate AT LEAST 1,550 burpees over the course of January. When you do the math, it boils down to 50 burpees a day. However, 1,550 is the bare minimum, so more than 50 burpees a day is the goal.
Rules: You have 5:00 min per day to complete your burpees. The goal is at least 50 or more burpees in that time.
If you can not complete 50 in 5:00 minutes, just keep going until you get all 50 done.
You will be doing this on your own. This will not be part of the WOD. Before or after class or at home. The good thing about this is you can do burpees anywhere, so you won’t always have to do them at the gym.