Workout of the Day
Back Squat 5 x 60%, 3 x 70%, 2 x 80%, 2 x 90%, 1 x 95%, 1 x 100%, 1 x 103-105%
We have come to the end of our squat cycle once again. Time to hit some PRs!
4 Rounds for time of:
10/8 Strict Pull-ups
15 Bar Over Burpees
20 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
*****NO 6:30 PM CLASS TONIGHT*****
Blood, Sweat and Tears!
Middle Tennessee CrossFit boxes and The American Red Cross Tennessee Valley Blood Services Region are joining forces for a competition to help save lives and see which CrossFit gym is the fittest!
All CrossFit Members at participating gyms are challenged to donate blood December 20th – January 5th. If you are unable to donate blood, you are welcome to recruit someone to donate in your honor. Your donation will serve as your entry fee to join a region-wide competition on January 11, 2014.*
Mark you calendar! Our gym will be doing the workout on January 11th! But more importantly, sign up and donate some much needed blood!
Read more about the workout and sign up HERE