Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press 5 x 5 (2.5 – 5 lbs heavier than your last session. Stick to the same weight for all reps)
After each set, complete 12-16 Dumbbell Walking Lunges
4 rounds for time of:
20 Wall-Balls (20 / 14)
12 Toes to Bar
300 m run
ANNOUCEMENT: As you may know, November is prostate cancer awareness month, so to help raise funds and awareness, CrossFit Forte is partnering up with Nashville Stache-Bash. On Saturday, November 23, 2013 we will be hosting a team workout/competition among some of the local gyms here in Nashville to raise funds and awareness to combat prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health challenges.
Dudes, you have to grow out your mustaches, too.
The cost is $20 per individual. Support a good cause and get fit at the same time. Sign up here:
Time to end the war on saturated fat? – LA Times
Soldiers using lipo to pass fat test – NY Post