Workout of the Day
Behind the neck push press 3-2-2-1-1-1
*Taken from the rack
5 Rounds of the following:
30 Seconds max hang power cleans (135 /95)
30 Seconds rest
30 Seconds max burpees
30 Seconds rest
30 Seconds max abmat butterfly sit-ups
30 Seconds rest
A few things to keep in mind for the mobility sessions and open gym on Sunday:
1) You will have to RSVP in advance, and the class limit is 15. 2) it will count as one of your days. For example, if you are signed up for 3 days/week, and you already attended the gym 3 times Monday through Saturday, you are not eligible for class (mobility/open gym) on Sunday. As much as I’d like to have everyone show up and get some mobility work in, class size still needs to be managed. Also, from 12-1 PM on Sunday, it is “open gym”. This is not for people who are new to CF. It is meant for the more advanced CFF members to come and make up a workout and/or work on some skill/strength work. If you are attempting a workout or a movement that you have no idea how to do, just don’t. The coach on hand is not there for full instruction because they’re busy keeping a general eye on all the people performing whatever movements are being performed. Also, keep in mind the hours CFF is open on Sunday. Even if you show up at 12:30 PM, be ready to leave by 1:00 PM.
I’m excited for this and I hope it’s beneficial for you. Excelsior!