Workout of the Day
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
Find your 5 rep max deadlift
3 rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts @ 60% of 5 rep max
14 Pull-ups (if you can do chest to bar, do them)
200 m run with medicine ball (20 / 14 lbs)
Amy Ring and Kenzie Hruby are having a party this Saturday. They are moving soon and want to throw a party before they do. Everyone from the gym is invited. This is from the FB invite: “Hey all! We are having a party/cookout on Saturday before we move out in two weeks! We would love to have everyone join us. We have a pretty big backyard and porch we want to make use of(hence corn hole and beer pong). Feel free to drop in whenever after 2pm (assuming everyone will be at the wod that morning). We’ll have coolers, ice, the grill heated etc. for anyone who would like to bring food to grill or drinks. We’ll have some beer/snacks but by all means bring food and booze! Everyone is welcome to drop by and the weather looks promising. Hope everyone can make it! Also, spread this invite around!” Go friend them on FB and/or invite yourself to the party.
Don’t be a CrossFit A$#hole 6 Tips to Be a Good CrossFitter
Girls, read this: Video and photos: More Staten Island women weight training to gain strength, lose inches
The Centers for Disease Control announces that salt, in the quantities consumed by most Americans, is not a health hazard. I’m glad I’ve never avoided salt intake. Be healthy and sprinkle those ribeyes with plenty of salt, folks!