Workout of the Day
Warm up
3-5 minutes of jump rope, double under work
Group mobility
Complete two deadlifts every minute on the minute for 12 minutes @ approximately 80-85% of 1RM (or if you were here on a Wednesday in the past 4 weeks, add 5 -10 lbs)
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 Strict pull-ups (no kipping, no supinated grip)
10 Box jumps (24 / 20 inches)
15 Hand release push-ups
From CrossFit East Bay: “This is an inspiring TED talk by CrossFit East Bay Athlete Russell Redenbaugh, who is a self-made millionaire. He is also a Black Belt in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, and a three time world champion medalist in the Master’s category. He has trained with me in CrossFit for the last three years, typically two times a week. Oh, I forgot (as I often do) he is completely blind and has been for most of his life, and has four fingers total on both hands.
Russell is truly inspiring, and this is well worth watching and sharing.”