Workout of the Day
Warm up
Row 500 m or run 400 m
Group mobility
Dedicate 10-15 minutes to work on a weakness
5 rounds for time of:
400 m run
30 Box jumps (24 / 20 inches)
30 Wall-balls (20 / 14 lbs)
Modified versions will be “Medium Kelly”, which’ll be 4 rounds, and “Lil’ Kelly”, which will be 3 rounds.
Do you have kids? Make sure they’re eating their meat: 12 Year Old Vegan Has the Degenerating Bones of 80 Year Old
Juice Fasts: The fashionable girls’ eating disorder goes viral
If you signed up for the gymnastics class this weekend, make sure you write down on the sheet what you’d like to learn. Try to be specific. For example, a back flip, or handspring, or rope climb. I am going to learn the movement at 1:41 in the video below. Not leaving till I have it.